Max Zaharenkov

Tourism Board: Storytellers 2023, Maldives: An Epic Gathering of Creative Minds 1/3

2023-06-02 06:36 Tourism Boards
Have you ever attended an event that blew your socks off? That was me at the recent Storytellers 2023 conference in the Maldives, organized by Visit Maldives. Imagine this: 50 creators, bloggers, writers, and journalists from around the world, all gathered on a sun-drenched island, swapping stories and sharing ideas. It was nothing short of mind-blowing. And let's talk about the five-day agenda packed with creativity, learning, and some serious fun.

The Conference: A Day of Awe-Inspiring Talks

The conference itself was top-notch, with every detail meticulously planned. The highlight for me? Listening to Jessica Nabongo speak. Here's a woman who has travelled to every single country on the planet. How cool is that? Her stories were as inspiring as they were fascinating. A true testament to the power of a woman with a dream and the courage to chase it.

The Accommodation: Living the Rockstar Life

For two nights, our crew called the Hard Rock Maldives home. This resort was every bit as cool as it sounds, and only a 20-minute boat ride from Male. Luxury? Check. Unforgettable vibes? Double-check. It was like stepping into a whole new world, where everyday life felt like a music video.

The Break-Up Experiences: A Deep Dive into Coral Restoration

After the conference, we got to choose from a bunch of breakout experiences. Guess what I went for? Coral planting! We, a group of storytellers, got our hands dirty (or should I say, wet) and managed to restore more than 200 corals. And let me tell you, snorkelling around the newly planted corals? Absolutely surreal.

The cherry on top was meeting Kate, the marine biologist at the nearby Sheraton resort. She showed us the ropes, explained more about marine life, and made sure we knew how to take care of the corals we planted. It was a humbling experience, to say the least.

So, if you're wondering what I thought of the Storytellers 2023 conference, here it is in a nutshell: It was inspiring, eye-opening, and a whole lot of fun. I left the Maldives with a head full of ideas, a heart full of memories, and a burning desire to do more, see more, and tell more stories. And hey, if you're interested in hearing more about my experiences, why not follow me on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube? I've got loads more to share, and I'd love for you to join me on this journey.